About Hudson Christian Church
Who We Are
Hudson Christian Church is an independent, non-denominational, congregation of followers of Jesus Christ. We stand under the authority of Jesus Christ upon the Scriptures alone as the foundation for faith and practice. We yearn for the unity of all believers under the one name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Our Mission
It is the mission of Hudson Christian Church to develop devoted followers of Jesus Christ, disciples who are growing and serving together in unity. We aim to accomplish this by proclaiming the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ through the preaching and teaching of the Scriptures, baptizing those who repent of their sins and teaching them to obey all Christ has commanded in his Word through instruction and correction. We will each use the gifts given to us by the Holy Spirit for mutual edification. And we will be the hands and feet of Christ by showing compassion on Hudson and the surrounding area, and by supporting Christ’s work in the world at large.
Here are a few of our distinctives:
Bible Centered Teaching
Our pastor preaches exegetically through whole books of the Bible, passage by passage, explaining and illustrating the meaning of the text. We have seen that this emphasis on the message of the Bible (rather than the thoughts of man) is life changing, infinitely relevant to daily life, and brings people close to God.
On Wednesdays, we meet for Bible study where we learn how to study passages of the Bible, get hands on practice at home, and meet together to share our observations and applications to our lives.
Family Worship
We have structured our ministries to include times when the whole family attends together and times of age appropriate learning. Every Sunday morning at 9:30am, children, teens, and adults attend our main worship service together. Nursery is provided for babies and toddlers (though they are welcome in service too!) Just before the sermon young kids are dismissed for children's church, an special lesson designed for ages 3-8. At 10:45am, we offer classes based on age. Babies and toddlers are taught simple lessons with big pictures, children are taught about God with music, crafts, games, and stories. Teens meet to talk about life issues in light of the Bible. Adults study the Bible and share prayer requests.
This creates a family environment where younger and older members build relationships and learn from each other. Children and teens see the examples of older people who have lived their lives by faith and they are mentored by those further down the path. At the same time, everyone has the opportunity to learn and grow with classes geared toward their current place in life.
Activated Members
Our church is filled with people doing the work of God. We encourage everyone to find their place in building up the church by using their spiritual gifts. Whether it be serving in a leadership role, fixing things around our facility, baking for times of fellowship, handing out food to the poor in our community, etc, we are busy doing what God has called us to. With everyone doing their part, our church continues to thrive.
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Food Pantry
God has used our food pantry to distribute over a million dollars worth of food to needy families in Hudson over the past 10 years. Our caring volunteers prepare food boxes and pray for those receiving them each month. We also have a garden filled with vegetables available for picking all summer. The pantry is open to all on the Saturday of the first full week of the month.
Ladies Aid
Some of the best cooks in the world attend and serve HCC! The Ladies Aid is group of women (and a few men) who put on fellowship meals for the church and funeral dinners. They keep our kitchen stocked and assist in keeping our church building beautiful.
We are delighted to financially support so many outstanding ministries in our community and across the globe. We set aside almost 20% of our offerings to further the work of God beyond Hudson. Read about these missions >>
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Some of the many minstries of
Hudson Christian Church
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