Sunday Service 9:30am | 301 Clinton St. Hudson, IL

Missionaries and Ministries
we love and support
Sunday & Regina Obeten - Nigeria
Sunday and Regina are Nigerian locals who carry on the work that Ed and Janice Nichols retired from. Their mission is Faith Way Global Outreach. FWGO is a broad ministry that runs evangelistic campaigns, leadership training for Christian workers, church planting, a Bible college, women’s ministry, and various mercy ministries to meet physical needs. Over the years the ministry has trained 56 preachers, 300 local leaders, planted 26 churches, and conducted many revival meetings and evangelistic campaigns.
Grace Daniels - India
Along with her children, Grace oversees the mission of New Life for Asia which she founded with her late husband, Sam. The main arms of the ministry are Royal Gospel Academy which trains young men to be church planters throughout India and Nepal, and a fellowship of churches throughout India organized for support and annual training conferences.
Bill & Karleen Crandall - Ecuador
Bill Crandall grew up in Washington, Il and became a Christian while Bill Vandervoort was the pastor at Washington Christian Church. Currently in Guayaquil, Ecuador since April 1990, Bill and Karleen began with plantingculturally relevant churches. They have planted 5 churches and have progressed to leadership training. The goal is to have Ecuadorian leaders in all the churches. They have 2 married children and 5 grandchildren with a sixth on the way.
Adam & Kristy Griffith - Thailand
Adam grew up in Georgetown, Ohio, and went to Cincinnati Christian University (CCU). God planted in Adam a desire to do youth ministry outside of the USA. Adam spent the summer of 2007 in India as an NMSI intern. Kristy grew up in Texas and graduated from Ozark Christian. Kristy discovered her love for impoverished communities, youth and God’s heart for those who have not heard the gospel. Adam and Kristy affiliated with NMSI in 2008 and were married April 10, 2010. They are currently working in Chiang Mai, Thailand networking youth homes and providing them with resources, equipping youth workers, and discipling youth (ages 12-20) living without their parents in the city of Chiang Mai. They have two sons, Aiden and Avery.
Jerry & Joyce McDaniels - Global/Sending Office
Jerry grew up in Towanda, IL and Joyce was a city-girl from Kenosha, WI. They met in New Tribes Missionary training, were married and then moved to Panama in 1983. Therethey served the Kuna people for 20 years. After five years of working with the team which coordinated tribal church planting in Latin America, they transitioned into a new ministry as International Literacy Coordinators for NTM. Their focus is that people around the world will be able to read and understand God’s Word in their own language. Jerry & Joyce have 3 married children and 7 grandchildren.
Encounter - ISU/Normal
Encounter is a “a rooted, thriving ministry for college students at Illinois State University.” They focus heavily on discipleship and training students to be active participants of Kingdom building work during their college years andto prepare them for service to Christ throughout their lives. Encounter also has planted campus ministries in the Philippines which operate under the Encounter umbrella and budget.
Little Galilee Christian Camp - Clinton
The purpose of Little Galilee shall be to conduct camps, conferences, and rallies, to the end that persons not yet Christian may be won to Christ and His Church as it is set forth in the New Testament, and that Christian people of all ages may be built up in the Christian faith and life.
Living Alternatives - Normal
Living Alternatives is committed to saving the lives of unborn children by promoting life-affirming options and providing practical assistance, while sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed, and to minister restoration to those who have been wounded by the trauma of abortion.