A Non-Denominational, Bible-teaching Church
Sunday Service 9:30am | 301 Clinton St. Hudson, IL
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Suffer Well: Young Sheep's Survival Guide
1 Peter 5:5-14 Having given instructions to the shepherds, Peter now gives instructions to the sheep. Believers are prepared for any spiritual weather...
Suffer Well: Shepherds Not Wolves
1 Peter 5:1-4 Suffering is a reality at times for the followers of Christ. Jesus sends us into the world as sheep among wolves, but He has left us shepherds...
Suffer Well: Blessed to Suffer
1 Peter 4:12-19 Suffering persecution is a blessing given to Christians because God is allowing them to stand with Christ in His mistreatment. These...
Suffer Well: The Body of Christ is a Bomb-shelter
1 Peter 4:7-11 Christian community makes seasons of suffering more bearable. We are each called to a role in building that community. When we do this,...
Suffer Well: Dead People Suffer and Sin Less
1 Peter 3:18-4:6 Christians can be victorious over temptation and endure persecution by adopting the mindset that they have already been crucified with...
Suffer Well: Have No Fear
1 Peter 3:13-17 We can speak and live for Christ boldly by focusing on Christ rather than our fears. Even if suffering does come as a result of following...
Submission: The Path Down is the Way Up
1 Peter 3:8-13 Putting the good of others in mind before our own leads to peace and blessing both now and in eternity. Peter is teaching that we should...
Submission: The Gentleman
1 Peter 3:7 God’s will for husbands is that they showhonor to their wives in everything with gentleness andunderstanding. Husbands should keep in mind...
Submission: The Beautiful Woman
1 Peter 3:1-6 God’s design for a wife is that she demonstrate her beauty through a gentle submissive attitude towards her husband .The world tells women...
Submission: Submit to Injustice
1 Timothy 5:13Passage Summary: Paul identifies a temptation for widows supported by the church to spend their time in gossip and meddling rather than...
Submission: Just Go With It
1 Peter 2:13-17 Through Christ we are reborn as citizens of a new kingdom. The governments and rulers of this earth have no real hold on us, but Peter...
Nation Building: Official Ambassadors
1 Peter 2:11-12 God has formed us into a new nation, and sent us into this world as the ambassadors of His kingdom. As His ambassadors we must not live...
Nation Building: Priesthood of HCC
1 Peter 2:5, 9 God has given every believer the privilege and duties of a priest.
Nation Building: Picked for Praise
1 Peter 2:9-10 (Introduction was not recorded)
God has chosen from all the world men and women who he has called out of darkness to be a new nation,...
Nation Building: Foundation or Folly
1 Peter 2:4-8 It was God's plan that, in Christ, man's rebellion be brought to a head whereby some would be humbled and saved, while others would be...
Response: Grow Up
1 Peter 2:1-3 Maturity comes from feasting on the Bible and letting it transform you.
Response: Undying Love
1 Peter 1:22-25 Christian community is more than just fun friendships, it is marked by a deep and active love.
Response: More Reasons for Holy Living
1 Peter 1:17-21 We can find help in our pursuit of holy living by keeping in mind the judgement of God and the great price God paid to forgive us.
Response: Run to Holiness
1 Peter 1:13-16 The right response to being saved from the condemnation of our sins, is to turn away from sinful living.
Salvation: Privileged Perspective
1 Peter 1:10-12 We who have received salvation through Jesus Christ are privileged. We are privileged to live in this time, and we have a privileged...
Salvation: Invisible Certainty
1 Peter 1:8-9 You have joy because your faith in Christ does not rest on what you have seen, but is made certain by what you have already experienced...
Salvation: Tried and True
1 Peter 1:6-7 Followers of Christ suffer difficult times to refine and reveal the genuine faith that is inside of them.
Salvation: A Bank that Cannot Fail
1 Peter 1:3-5 In unstable times we can be thankful that in Christ our life and treasure are secure.
Salvation: Who You Are
1 Peter 1:1-2 The first thing Peter instructs his readers to build on the rock solid foundation of Jesus Christ is a new identity. We learn in these...
Introduction to 1 Peter
1 Peter 1-5 This week we read through all of 1 Peter to prepare to study it deeply in the weeks to come. This is a book about Jesus written to people...