A Non-Denominational, Bible-teaching Church
Sunday Service 9:30am | 301 Clinton St. Hudson, IL

Youth Ministries
We offer intentional discipleship.
Kids (of all ages!) have their own spiritual lives and we help them grow into mature followers of Jesus. By the time they enter adulthood, our goals are that they know truth, understand the Bible, and live as a Christian. Each class is carefully designed to get there through substantial content and solid Christian relationships.
Church - Sundays, 9:30AM
All babies and kids are welcome to stay with their parents during the worship service if they prefer. We also offer age-oriented opportunities.
Babies and Toddlers: Nursery care is available in the education wing of the building.
Young Kids: Kids worship beside their parents in the sanctuary and then they are invited to Kid’s Church just before the sermon. They watch an illustrated story from the Bible, discuss it, pray, and then play together.
Older Kids and Teens: Junior high kids and teens worship together with adults in the sanctuary. They are encouraged to take notes during the sermon to discuss in their Sunday School class.
Classes - Sundays 11AM
We offer classes for people of all ages, adults and kids, from 11AM-12PM. Youth meet upstairs, by age. All of our teachers and volunteers have passed background checks and are well-known members of our community.
Adults meet downstairs to read and discuss books together. They also share prayer requests and support each other. While kids are in classes, their parents are welcome to join the adult class or chat over donuts and coffee in our fellowship area.

Using big picture cards, our littlest kids learn foundational truths about God and themselves. They memorize short verses and listen to stories from an illustrated Bible. We give them plenty of time to play too, working on loving God and loving their neighbors.

Kindergarten-2nd Grade
Young elementary kids see what Christian lives look like as they listen to missionary biography stories. They understand the Bible’s call to live 100% for God and see how God’s message has changed people and nations for his glory. In addition, they learn truth through the New City Catechism, memorize scripture, and practice understanding the Bible as it is read to them.

3rd-5th Grade
Upper elementary students start using the Bible for themselves as they are taught about its books, genres and storyline. They learn the Ten Commandments, the Lord’s Prayer, and the Apostle’s Creed. They study each book of the Bible, read a passage from it, and explain it in their own words. They build a huge wall timeline to see how the Bible fits in with world history. They learn truth through the New City Catechism and memorize scripture verses.

6th-8th Grade
Personal spiritual lives develop as middle schoolers take ownership of their faith and break past the mediocre status quo society expects of them. They learn about worship, giving, prayer, studying the Bible, church involvement, serving with spiritual gifts, and doing evangelism. They read and discuss New Testament letters, learn truth through the New City Catechism, memorize scripture, and discuss the sermon.
Beyond the regular services and classes, HCC youth get together to hang out. On the first Sunday of every month, they have dinner together at our church potluck. They are invited to informal meet ups like park days and backyard bonfires as well as special events held throughout the year. This is a welcoming community of friends.

“Will my children enjoy it?"
Just as good home-cooked food satisfies the body better than junk food, real Christian education nourishes the spirit and causes it to thrive. We believe teens want to be taken seriously– not just offered pizza parties with a dash of Bible. We present them with signficant ideas to process, and we challenge them to feed their spiritual lives. We also know that kids develop their spiritual appetites from a young age, so our classes for elementary kids are substantial yet within their attention span. In all classes we build mentoring relationships between teachers and students, and we give time and space for peer friendships. Your kids will learn and grow here alongside like-minded families.
“What if we don’t know much about Christianity?"
Whether you are new to church or are just starting to seek spiritual truth, you are welcome here. You will never be put on the spot or be pressured. We were all new at some point! This is a loving place for you and your kids on your spiritual journey.
“Can we try out a class without committing?"
Yes! You can join a class to see it for yourself without obligation. We require registration, either beforehand or at the door, to ensure we accomodate special needs and have emergency contact information. We will not use it to spam or hassle you.
Register for Youth Ministry Classes
Finding Us
Hudson Christian Church is located in Hudson, IL a few minutes North of Bloomington/Normal. We are across the street from Hudson Elementary School.
Our address is:
301 Clinton St
Hudson, IL 61748