A Non-Denominational, Bible-teaching Church
Sunday Service 9:30am | 301 Clinton St. Hudson, IL
Vitals pt10: Growing the Family
Acts 18:1-11Evangelism is the activity of proclaiming the reign of Christ as King out of our love for him and desire to see him worshiped, his people gathered, and all escape the wrath to come. To accomplish this we look to God’s Spirit for power, boldness, and encouragement, and present his word with every compelling presentation we can muster.
Vitals pt9: Helping the Family
Titus 3:1, 8, 14Those have been born into the Kingdom of God work the field as a son who shares the inheritance. God calls each of us to a mission, a ministry, an individual assignment to build his Kingdom. We should know what that mission is, and give it our attention and energy, and seek God daily for his provision and strength to fulfill it.
Vitals pt8: Knowing the Family
*No Sermon Audio is available for this day* Acts 2:40-47 All believers in Christ have been united into one Fellowship where we share every dimension of our lives with one another. These relationships are a great source of joy and blessing, but also require intentional attention and commitment. The result of these close relationships is growth in godliness by the working of God’s Grace.
Vitals pt7: Listening To God Together
1 Corinthians 2:1-6 Sermons are far more than just one person who has studied the Bible sharing what he has found. They are a God-ordained pathway for our growth to spiritual maturity. We benefit most from sermons when we put the preacher out of our mind and seek the Holy Spirit’s instruction through the proclaimed Scriptures.
Vitals pt6: Listening To God On Your Own
*No Sermon Audio is available for this day* John 8:31-32 God has provided everything we need to know him and his will for our life through the Scriptures. However, the Bible is far more than information for our minds, it is a doorway into fellowship with Jesus. Get alone with your Bible to get alone with God!
Vitals pt5: Role Models of Prayer
James 5:16b-18 The Scriptures are filled with the stories of people who are just like us who’s prayer lives are recorded for our example and encouragement. The more we reflect on their answered prayers, the more stirred up and instructed we will be.
Vitals pt4: Talking to God
Matthew 6:9-13 Jesus equipped his followers with everything we need to know about prayer in The Lord’s Prayer. Far more than a prayer to be quoted, it is a template and instruction about what the content and aim of all of our prayers should be.
Vitals pt3: Giving to God our Money
1 Chronicles 29:14-18 God commands that we worship him through the giving of tithes and offerings, and he invites us into deeper relationship with himself through the gifts.
Vitals pt2: Giving to God our Praise
1 Chronicles 16:1-11 Worship that pleases God is rooted in a desire for God’s presence and blessing, finds it only through his provision in Christ, and delights in it with exuberant praise.
Vitals pt1: Check Your Vitals
1 Chronicles 16:1-11 Worship that pleases God is rooted in a desire for God’s presence and blessing, finds it only through his provision in Christ, and delights in it with exuberant praise.